
超過 100,000 個團隊和商家正使用,從初創企業到跨國集團,大家都喜愛 1Password。

Geckoboard 在使用 1Password 之前,很難進行跨國、跨洲的多部門身份資訊管理。

Geckoboard 通過 1Password 在多個團隊和地點之間分享內部最具價值的資訊,在保證安全的同時也方便團隊成員的訪問。

Geckoboard 的團隊由四十餘人組成,分佈在八個不同的時區——孟買、倫敦、三藩市、夏威夷都有成員駐紮。

公司為不同的團隊使用不同的共用保險庫。 客戶服務、市場行銷、工程技術和運營團隊都有各自的保險庫。

Geckoboard 的 1Password 管理員可以在帳號中創建自訂群組、分配不同的角色,以和特定的人群分享內部專案資料。

Geckoboard uses 1Password Teams Geckoboard uses 1Password Teams
When asked, I tell people to just use 1Password Teams, it’s so much easier than anything else. I love the fact that it just works all the time. The password I want is always just there and I really like that. By far and away I think it is the best solution for password management.
Geckoboard logo
We believe that 1Password has a great combination of power, ease of use and security. Even our non-technical colleagues can easily use 1Password Teams and keep their data safe.

Netguru 一直是 1Password 的客戶,他們是首先使用我們個人帳號產品的團隊之一。2016年初,他們開始使用 1Password 團隊服務。 他們依靠 1Password 來保持遍佈全球的大型團隊的連接和安全。

Netguru relies on 1Password

健保軟體公司 CareClinic 使用 1Password 幫助其團隊成長。

1Password 幫助 CareClinic 團隊與新員工安全地共用密碼。 我們幫他們管理密碼,讓他們能夠專心于公司業務成長,為患者的健保提供更多便利。

We constantly have new engineers joining our company as we go through a period of strong growth. We use 1Password as a way to securely provide access to passwords during the onboarding process. Having a way to provide access to those that require it quickly has helped us keep our data safe and secure.

Wonderbly 不斷壯大的團隊也開始依靠 1Password 作為自己的密碼管家。

Wonderbly uses 1Password for simplicity, availability, and security.

1Password 不僅大大增加了他們的安全性,也使每個團隊成員管理密碼更加容易。 Wonderbly 團隊選擇 1Password 基於三點理由:一是便於使用,二是適用於所有裝置,最重要的第三點是安全和隱私保護有保證。

1Password is a core component of our IT infrastructure at Wonderbly. It allows each of our teams to securely share information needed to get their work done.

國際軟體發展公司 Meister 在其四處辦公地點使用 1Password 在團隊內部便捷共用密碼。

With new team members joining regularly, we wanted a secure means of storing and sharing company credentials with new staff without extensive on-boarding required - in 1Password Teams, we found the ideal solution. I would absolutely recommend 1Password as a password management solution for any growing team like ours.
1Password 在實現快速增長和擴展方面發揮了重要作用,現在已成為其工作流程的關鍵部分。 在過去兩年中,該公司在三藩市和西雅圖開設了兩個新的辦事處,此外還在維也納和慕尼克也設有辦事處。 沒有 1Password 的話,他們將很難管理如此分散的辦公點。

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